Not all manuals are the same
I have spent years setting up my manuals to ensure they are the best available anywhere on the internet.
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ALL of my manuals have full clickable indexes so you can find what you’re looking for FAST!
I’ll never leave you digging through hundreds or even thousands of pages to find what you need.

Almost 20 years experience
I personally have almost 20 years of dealership experience; many of those years were spent as a mechanic,
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service writer, service manager and parts manager.
I’ve also owned a small independent repair shop, so I understand your time is your money.
The vast majority of sellers offering manuals online have little to no experience in the service industry whatsoever.
These years of experience help to ensure you’ll be receiving the best manuals available anywhere every time.

Have your manual in minutes
ALL of the manuals on this website are instantly downloadable!
No one has time to wait for a
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book or cd in the mail while their vehicle is down and if you’re a mechanic your customer definitely doesn’t wait a week for the manual to arrive.
All you need is high speed internet and a computer, you can even print whatever you want from it to take out to your garage.
Your source for Factory OEM BRP, Cam-Am, Sea-Doo & Ski-Doo workshop repair & maintenance manuals !
The professional and do it yourself mechanics’s choice for manuals world wide.
99.9% of our manuals are OE factory workshop repair and maintenance manuals, the same ones your local dealer use.
Environmentally friendly
Most traditional manuals range from between 300-3000 pages. Our instantly downloadable manuals give you the option to just print what you need, 1 page, 1 section or the entire manual. If you get a page greasy, just print out new one